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  Lesson Proper

How to Become a Magician

By Christopher Starr

Where to begin:

  1. The traditional starting place for every new magician is the local library or bookstore. There are dozens of excellent books on the subject of learning how to do sleight of hand.

2. Search the internet using specific terms, such as “beginners magic tricks”. This will yield thousands of links to web sites with information on
how to learn to perform magic tricks.

3. Locate a magic shop in your area. Many cities have a magician’s
supply shop where you can actually meet and talk to other magicians
who can help you in your knowledge quest.


How to practice - Things a magician SHOULD do:

* Try to practice in front of a mirror so you can see the trick exactly how your audience will see it. Practice the trick repeatedly, until the moves become unconscious, or second nature to you.

* Practice what you will say to your audience. This is referred to by magicians as the "patter", or script. Decide before hand what you want to say during the trick. Good patter will help distract (or misdirect) the audience just enough to keep them from guessing how you've pulled off your magical feats!

* Be aware of any bad angles. Some of the tricks require that the people be looking straight at you, so you must control their position. If possible, have the audience remain seated throughout the show.

* Wherever you can, borrow the objects from the audience such as coins, pencils, napkins, etc. Borrowing items from the audience makes it seem like the magician hasn't had time to do anything sneaky to the item. This will make everything you do seem more magical!


How to practice - Things a magician SHOULD NEVER do:

* Never perform the same trick more than once for the same audience. Repeating the same effect makes it too easy for the audience to guess how it was done.

* A magician NEVER reveals how the trick is done! Resist the temptation to tell how the trick worked keep them guessing and they'll be even more impressed with you and your show.


Tips & Warnings

  Almost anyone can become a competent magician, but they must dedicate the time and effort into practicing each new trick before it is presented to an audience.

  You will find that learning the art of magic will have a wonderful, positive effect on your self-esteem. You will begin to have more confidence, and through performing their tricks for others can help you overcome shyness. Just having the knowledge and ability to do something that others are not able to do, can be a great confidence booster! The first time that you truly fool someone will be a moment that you will never forget!




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